Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Go Local Nebraska presented at Creighton Student Health Fair

Thanks to the outreach efforts of Jeanne Burke, Education Coordinator at the Creighton University Health Sciences Library, Creighton University students learned about Go Local Nebraska and how the resource works with MedlinePlus.gov. On October 28th, Ms. Burke presented the information resources to 132 individuals. "Most individuals were extremely impressed with “Go Local”!", reported Ms. Burke.

The Go Local Nebraska team thanks Jeanne Burke for her stellar outreach efforts. If your library has recently conducted outreach that has included presenting information on Go Local Nebraska or CHIRS, please let us know. We would like to recognize your hard work here, and make sure it is included in the quarterly project reports that are submitted to the National Library of Medicine.

1 comment:

qtix said...

We lack scientifically valid studies to tell us why more men and giving themselves a personal job while on the job, but some reasonable guesses can be made. https://pharmacyhealthforall.com/5546/masturbation-in-the-workplace-why-so-many-men-do-it/